Zeynep Falay von Flittner

  • Strategic Design
  • Business Design
  • Service Design
  • Designer
  • Facilitator
  • Director
  • Speaker

Falay Consulting

  • Expert

I am an experienced design leader, entrepreneur, consultant, and public speaker, dedicated to integrating creative and design practices into sustainability transitions. My experience spans Design Thinking, Systems Thinking, and Transition Design.
Throughout my design career, I have driven sustainable innovation, business transformation, and societal change through numerous client collaborations, teaching opportunities, and public speaking engagements. I frequently collaborate with academia, co-authoring articles integrating practice-based learning with design research.

I’m a Falay Transition Design collective founder, co-founded the Design Activists for Regenerative Futures community and actively volunteered in networks such as System Change Finland, Strategy for Futures, and the Service Design Network.


Work experience
