Emmi Tiainen

  • Sisustusarkkitehtuuri
  • Kalustesuunnittelu
  • Sisustussuunnittelu
  • Valaistussuunnittelu
  • Etäyhteys
  • Pohjois-Karjala

Muodoste Design Studio

Emmi is an interior architect based in Joensuu, Finland. Design thinking, process development and living aesthetics are her main drivers towards work and life in general. Specialized in concepts, interior architecture and furniture design. Also got a soft spot for interior visualizations, still life photography and social media managing for both commercial and editorial clients.

Her designs consists of tactile materials, aesthetic views and respect of architecture building era. She believes that process is important and interior needs time to develop with the owner. Via interior architecture and design she found her way to affect clients everyday life for better.

Let’s talk! 🍸







Looking for manufacturer!

A wooden armchair designed with elderly users in mind. The chair’s backrest features a handle that provides additional support for caretakers, making it easier to assist elderly users. Long handles and higher seat height encourages independent movement. The name Vasta draws inspiration from the traditional Finnish sauna whisk, symbolizing cleanliness, health, and well-being. Just as a vasta gently cleanses and revitalizes the body, Vasta chair aims to provide comfort and support for elderly users. The finnish phrase ”Anna minä otan sinut vastaan” (”Please, let me help you” or ”I got you”) captures the essence of the ideal caregiver-patient interaction, a relationship built on mutual respect and understanding.

Rhinoceros 3D


3D Ilme Juha Lihr

Työkalut ja menetelmät

Rhinoceros 3D




3D Ilme Juha Lihr

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