Leena Fredriksson
- Graafinen suunnittelu
- Pakkausmuotoilu
- Tekstiilisuunnittelu
- Kuvitus
- Muotoilija
- Taiteilija
- Opettaja
- Konkari
Muotoilija, taiteilija, graafinen suunnittelija, tekstiili- ja kuosisuunnittelija, kuvittaja, hahmosuunnittelija, konseptisuunnittelija, muotoilu- ja taidepedagogi.
Kansainvälisen Momolu-brändin luoja
Ornamo, Kuvittajat ry
Leena Fredriksson Design & freelancer
Artist & Designer, Textile & Pattern Designer, Illustrator, Graphic Designer, Concept Designer
2020 – nykyhetki
Momolu ( Momolu brand )
Founder, Creator
+ Character Designer, Illustrator, Book Designer, Textile & Pattern Designer, Concept Designer, Art & Design Educator
2013 – nykyhetki
Designer, Trend Specialist
2006 – 2021
Aalto University
Teacher (fashion illustration), Lecturer (future trends),
Master Thesis Supervisor & Evaluation committee member
2005 – 2015
L-Fashion Group / Luhta Home
Head Designer
1997 – 2008
15/30 Research oy
Trend Specialist
2005 – 2006
Golla oy
Head of Design
2003 – 2004
Designer, partner
2001 – 2004
Graphic Designer, Textile & Pattern Designer
2002 – 2002
Fabrik ry
Designer, partner
1996 – 2001
Aalto-yliopiston taiteiden ja suunnittelun korkeakoulu, taiteen laitos
Taiteen maisteri
2017 – 2020
Taideteollinen korkeakoulu, muotoilun laitos
Taiteen maisteri
2000 – 2005
Lahden AMK Muotoiluinstituutti
Muotoilija AMK
1996 – 2000
AD, graafinen suunnittelija
1995 – 1996

Textile Designer, Patter Designer, Illustrator

Leena Fredriksson Design, Textile Designer, Illustrator

Momolu Textile Design, Illustration

Momolu book designer, illustrator, Children’s Book Author
The story follows Momolu, a gentle, unassuming panda who has a knack of stumbling into situations requiring his help. Momolu’s friends each experience their own set of everyday problems which are solved through creative thinking and collaboration; Banni the rabbit helps redecorate the harbour with her sketchbook, Huhu the owl wants to build a slide that everyone can enjoy and Hiko the badger gets to the bottom of a water mystery and ends up diverting a river! Momolu helps the other animals find solutions to their challenges by encouraging them to use their own skills and strengths. By working together the animals discover, learn, make mistakes, have tons of fun, and always learn something about design along the way.

Momolu is a brand founded by designer Leena Fredriksson & created with a team of international specialists from Ferly.
The story follows Momolu, a gentle, unassuming panda who has a knack of stumbling into situations requiring his help. Momolu’s friends each experience their own set of everyday problems which are solved through creative thinking and collaboration; Banni the rabbit helps redecorate the harbour with her sketchbook, Huhu the owl wants to build a slide that everyone can enjoy and Hiko the badger gets to the bottom of a water mystery and ends up diverting a river! Momolu helps the other animals find solutions to their challenges by encouraging them to use their own skills and strengths. By working together the animals discover, learn, make mistakes, have tons of fun, and always learn something about design along the way. #Momolu #Momolujaystävät #MomoluandFriends #Momoluetsesamis
BrändäysColour designGraafinen suunnitteluKuosiKuvitusLogoMuotoilukasvatusPakkauskuvitusPrint DesignTuotesuunnittelu
Momolu x Ferly Ltd
Momolu x Yle Pikku Kakkonen / Finland, TFOU Max / France, ITVX / UK, TVO / Canada, Knowledge Kids / Canada
Momolu x Goodio

Momolu book design, Illustration, Children’s Book Author
The story follows Momolu, a gentle, unassuming panda who has a knack of stumbling into situations requiring his help. Momolu’s friends each experience their own set of everyday problems which are solved through creative thinking and collaboration; Banni the rabbit helps redecorate the harbour with her sketchbook, Huhu the owl wants to build a slide that everyone can enjoy and Hiko the badger gets to the bottom of a water mystery and ends up diverting a river! Momolu helps the other animals find solutions to their challenges by encouraging them to use their own skills and strengths. By working together the animals discover, learn, make mistakes, have tons of fun, and always learn something about design along the way. #Momolu #Momolujaystävät #MomoluandFriends
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