Posthumanism and the Deep Time of Glassblowing

17:00 – 20:00 EEST , Centro Culturale Don Orione Artigianelli, Venice and zoom.

Posthumanism & the Deep Time of Glassblowing is an interdisciplinary conference of glass artists, anthropologists, and sociologists regarding the mines and minerals of studio glass. 

Decentering the human in the narrative of studio glass, presenters on this international panel draw from fieldwork in the Appalachian region of the United States, Finland’s Nuutajärvi Glass Village, the Venetian Lagoon, and multi-species and lunarperspectives to explore the intersection of the human experience of self-determination and creativity with that of the living (and dying) ecological world. The panel includes both traditional academic research and contemporary artwork. 

Speakers: Erin E. O’Connor, Anna Mlasowsky, Suzanne Peck, Riikka Latva-Somppi and Michael Stern

Brent Patterson: Opening Comments & Panel Introduction
Anna Mlasowky: Enabling Transparency: Glassmaking as an Extractive Commodity
Suzanne Peck: Honey Glass Symbiosis
Erin E. O’Connor: Mining Early American Studio Glass
Riikka Latva-Somppi: Caring for Soil at Sites of Glass Production 
Michael Stern: Glass Printing From the Earth to the Moon

Info and registration