Laura Laivamaa
- Tekstiilisuunnittelu
- Taidekäsityö
- Tekstiilitaide
- Teollinen muotoilu
- Etätyö
- Lappi
- Kokenut
Ota yhteyttä
Päivitetty 5/2024
Taito Lappi Crafts Association
Development Manager
2023 – 2025
Taito Lappi Crafts Association
Substitute Executive Director
2021 – 2023
Textile Designer
2013 – nykyhetki
University of Lapland
Coordinator Assistant / Designer
2018 – 2021
University of Lapland
Coordinator Assistant / Service Designer
2018 – 2019
University of Lapland
2016 – 2016
University of Lapland
Project Researcher
2015 – 2015
University of Lapland
Coordinator Assistant
2014 – 2014
Graphic Designer
2013 – nykyhetki
University of Lapland
Doctor of Arts
2019 – nykyhetki
University of Lapland
Master of Arts / Interior and Textile Design
2009 – 2018
University of Lapland
Master of Arts / Industrial Design
2004 – 2010

Knitting and weaving pattern for the artisans of villages of Rovaniemi, 2024
”Kylien rytmi on kiinni nykypäivässä, aktiivisessa valinnassa asua rakkaalla kylällä ja arvokkaassa kyläläisten välisessä yhteisöllisyydessä. Kylien rytmi pohjaa paikalliseen raanuperinteeseen, lainaa värinsä talvitaivailta ja syksyn ruskalta ja jakaa lämpöä kylien ulkopuolellekin.”The Rhythm of the Villages is designed for the use of artisans in Rovaniemi villages: as a pattern that can be made and sold openly by anyone. The knitting and weaving patterns were created in collaboration with Taito Lappi Crafts Association and the Rovaniemi Village Development Foundation, and designed by Laura Laivamaa. The pattern can be used in socks, mittens and woven products. The materials used are Pirkka yarn from Taito Pirkanmaa.

Sielikkö is a minitextile: embroidery on linen. Linen and wool on linen, 2024.
Sielikkö (Kalmia procumbens) is a beautiful, low-growing evergreen sparrow from the fells. It spreads like a carpet and covers the ground with only few centimeters high pink flowers. I covered the linen surface with embroidery: with few basic stitches, and used leftover threads to imitate the way the modest flower grows by abstracting the motif.

Tupasvilla (Cotton Wool) is a minitextile, woven with art tapestry technique. Linen on linen, 2024.

Kaisa Matintyttären vanthuut ( Mittens of Kaisa Matintytär), designed for Regional Museum of Lapland 2022, cooperation with textile designer Karoliina Erkinjuntti and Taito Lappi Crafts Association
In Peräpohjola, in the region of Tervola, Rovaniemi and Kemijärvi, a peasant style of decorative painting appeared in the 1810s–1830s. Its finest manifestations were the trousseau chests of young women, the outsides of which are decorated with colorful, skillful plant motifs, and the owner’s name is written on the inside cover. The knitting pattern of this mitten is designed according to the floral motifs of the beautiful chest that belonged to Kaisa Matintytär Vitikka (1802-1866). The color of the glove is taken from the red of the outside of the coffin and the turquoise and white of the patterned ornament on the inner lid. The knitting pattern has been designed by Laura Laivamaa and Karoliina Erkinjuntti of Taito Lappi Crafts Association according to the order of the Regional Museum of Lapland.

Sydän Tornionlaaksossa (Heart for Torne Valley) -mittens designed for Taito Lappi Craft Association 2021
The pattern of the mittens is based on the floral ornaments found in Torne Valley folk furniture. On the side of the palm, the pattern twists into a heart: this is a gesture of love to the designer’s roots. Love letter to the craftsmanship in my family that has spread along the Torne riverside for four generations of craftsmen, and to Torne Valley. Designed for Taito Lappi Craft Association 2021, especially for Craft Center Pello, near Swedish border.
Taito Lappi Crafts Association

Väylä (2020-2021) in progress. Paper clay, engobe and linen.
Väylä (2020-2021), here shown in progress, is a wall hanging relief, combination of small paper clay pieces (painted with engobe glass before firing) and linen. Väylä is a friendly nickname to my home river, river Tornio.

Lumen alla lepäävät puut I 2021 is an unique ceramic plate painted with glazes
Lumen alla lepäävät puut I (Trees Resting Under Snow I) is a unoque ceramic plate painted with glazes during my artistic residency in Pentik factory, Posio. The pattern is based on north-related aquarelles, snow falling in forest… I have used the painting of this plate also as a sketch to jacquard-woven textile Lumen alla lepäävät puut II. Together the ceramic and textile pieces were part of my Langalla ja lasitteella -exhibition in Anu Pentik Gallery during spring 2022.

Taivaankansi 2021, unique ceramic plate, painted with glazes
I painted Taivaankansi (The Sky Cover), 2021 during my artistic residency in Pentik Factory, Posio Finland. I tried to capture night skies here in the north: during my childhood my home village did not have street lights, and the stars and northern lights were very visible in the sky above my home. I used to lie in the snow and watch the stars light up in the dark blue sky. The blue hues of Taivaankansi also represent kaamos for me (the time when the sun does not rise in Lapland). Kaamos is not only darkest time of the year, but for me short days, long dark evenings and rapidly darkening blue in the sky is the most effective and most inspiring time of the year as an artist.

Mansikkapaikka 2021, is an industrially woven, unique jacquard-textile based on an aquarelle series related to north.
Mansikkapaikka (Strawberry Place, Smultronstället) 2021 is based on a Swedish saying that refers to the place where a person is happiest. My personal place of ultimate happiness is under freezing northern skies during January and February. I’m happiest when I’m skiing alone in the forest, surrounded by pine trees covered in snow and the winter sky, and the sun, which has not yet risen over the fells, colors the sky into a pink haze. Mansikkapaikka, here shown a detail of an over two meters long textile, is based on my aquarelle series related to north, and is woven in Lapua, Finland by Lapuan Kankurit. Mansikkapaikka was part of my exhibition in Anu Pentik Gallery, Posio, spring 2022.

Helmikuu(February) 2020 is a unique ceramic platter, painted with glazes.
Helmikuu(February) 2020 is a unique ceramic platter, painted with glazes. During my artistic residency in Posio, Finland I had an opportunity to paint with glazes. I use the influence of nature in my artistic work and often, for example, freeze my sketches outside in the cold. February is also based on a frozen painting: nature and frost cover parts of the painting in an unpredictable and beautiful way. When I paint with glazes, the same unpredictability is present. The photo is a detail of a large platter, overall diameter 47cm.

Lumen valoa (Light in Snow), handwoven jacquard 2020
In Lumen valoa (Light in Snow), 2020, I tried to capture the sparkle on snow with linen. Lumen valoa is a handwoven jacquard, where white linen is paired with metallized polyester : together with the aquarelle-based pattern yarns imitate the ever changing light in snow in very cold temperatures in frosty Lapland during wintertime. Lumen valoa was a part of my exhibition ”Pellavalle piirrettyä pohjoista” in Arktikum, Gallery Valo, during December 2020 – January 2021.

Kylmän kukat (Flowers of the cold) 2020 is a large, unique ceramic platter, which I have painted by glazes during my artistic residency in Posio, Finland. The original sketch of the platter was black-and-white ink drawing, which I froze outside. Nature and frost covered parts of the painting in an unpredictable and beautiful way. When painting with glazes, the same unpredictability is present.

Rospuutto (2020) is a handwoven jacquard textile, linen and metallized polyester on cotton, based on my series of aquarelles from mid-seasons in Lapland.
Rospuutto (Kelirikko, rasputitsa) is a season, when the rapid snowmelt is combined with wet weather during spring or when there are heavy rains during autumn: often seen as ugly mid-season. I tried to capture to beauty of this season also, and painted several aquarelles from this theme. Sketches turned also to beautiful jacquard woven surfaces. Rospuutto was part of my exhibition ”Pellavalle piirrettyä pohjoista” in Arktikum, Gallery Valo, during December 2020 – January 2021.

I draw Kuura-pattern 2017 and Lapuan Kankurit wove the pattern in to a blanket. Blanket was available in three color variations, here shown two of them: beige-white and petrol-white.
I tried to capture the feeling of the first cold autumn mornings when your garden slowly starts to fall in winter sleep and all green hues disappear under the sparkling white frost… Uuden vuodenajan kynnyksellä astut puutarhaan, jossa jalkojesi alla rasahtelee kylmä, valkoinen kuura. Kasvien värit loistavat kirkkaana lähes geometrisesti levittäytyvien jääkiteiden alla, ja kuiskivat vielä tovin lupausta tulevasta kesästä…Kuura.

Puolukka (Lingonberry) 2015 is a kitchen towel designed to my own collection. Linen-cotton. Woven in Lapua, Finland.
Puolukka (Lingonberry) 2015 is a kitchen towel (cotton-linen) designed to my own collection. Kitchen towels were woven in Lapua, Finland. Here shown both of the color ways: black-white and beige-white. Design: Laura Laivamaa Pictures: Laura Laivamaa

Taivaltajat and Taivaanvalkeat -patterns are part of a pattern collection: six northern patterns for Lapuan Kankurit aw 2012/2013.
I designed six different, northern and Lapland -themed patterns for Lapuan Kankurit aw2012/2013. The patterns were used in different textiles: kitchen towels, tablecloths, woolen blankets…here are shown two of the patterns: Taivaltajat (Wanderers) and Taivaanvalkeat (on Finnish name for northern lights) in woollen blankets. Especially Taivaanvalkeat was sold from Finland to Korea in collections of different interior and design shops for several years.
Lapuan Kankurit

Tunturiputo (Fell Stream), a pattern for a pocket shawl for Lapuan Kankurit, aw2012/2013
I designed six different, northern and Lapland -themed patterns for Lapuan Kankurit aw2012/2013. The patterns were used in different textiles: kitchen towels, tablecloths, woolen blankets…here are shown one of the patterns: Tunturipuro (Fell Stream) in woollen pocket shawl.
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