Zeynep Falay von Flittner
- Strateginen muotoilu
- Liiketoimintamuotoilu
- Palvelumuotoilu
- Johtaja
- Fasilitaattori
- Muotoilija
- Puhuja
Falay Consulting
- Konkari
Olen kokenut muotoilujohtaja, yrittäjä, konsultti ja julkinen puhuja. Olen keskittynyt muotoilun ja luovan työn rooliin kestävyysmurroksessa. Kokemukseni kattaa muotoiluajattelun, systeemiajattelun ja siirtymämuotoilun (Transition Design).
Olen pitkän urani aikana työskennellyt kestävyysinnovaatioiden, liiketoiminnan muutosten ja yhteiskunnallisen muutoksen parissa.
Teen myös yhteistyötä akatemian kanssa, yhdistäen käytännönläheisen oppimisen ja muotoilututkimuksen.
Olen Falay Transition Design -kollektiivin sekä Design Activist for Regenerative Futures -yhteisön perustaja ja Systems Change Finlandin, Strategy for Futuresin ja Service Design Networkin aktiivinen jäsen.
Reimagining the international development sector
Within the topic of “Decolonizing Aid”, we applied Transition Design methods and tools to reimagine the international development sector together with Fingo and participants from the Finnish NGO sector, East and West Africa, and artists. Alongside applying the futures-oriented Transition Design process, we embedded several design methods to host space for mindful and compassionate conversations. We developed new approaches to acknowledge and create space for complex emotions and systemic issues.
The Playbook provides concrete tools for companies to find solutions to sustainability challenges.
The Sustainability Playbook is a practical guide for digital commerce SMEs, addressing the challenge of adapting operations to limited natural resources. It includes curated content, tools, and business examples from the value chain, strategy, and marketing perspectives. Sustainability experts, researchers, digital commerce companies, and stakeholders contributed to and reviewed the content.
Design sprints to maximize the positive impact of sustainable research innovation and minimize harm
Our design sprints for Future and Impact provided concrete tools for innovation teams to collaborate and explore their sustainable research projects.The VTT’s iBEX innovation program is for research teams, working with themes of sustainable energy, food, and materials. The design sprints challenged the teams with new approaches to “learn by doing” as well as reflecting on the team’s “lived experiences” to create transformative (individual) and strategic (organizational) insights.